
I am going to be around even if I'm not on your favorite social media platform.

Image I am going to be on a few things. Bluesky, REDnote, and anything else new I can find. YouTube, Snapchat, and anything else not owned by Meta that I am already using. I will have my website and whatever other online presence that I can create. Anything but this. The more that I think about it the easier it becomes to walk away. No point in continuing to place energy into the negative space this has become in my life. There are a lot of times when I have had simple peaceful thoughts rejected by the platform. You all have seen some of the screenshots. Simple happy birthday and good morning wishes to people rejected from sharing with others. Restrictions on my account usage. Let’s remember folks that this is my second time building a Facebook audience. So why wait around? I will be here for as long as I can, but I will also not just sit and wait for fate to happen. I am a human being, both online and in person. As far as the latter goes you are invite...

How did you find your purpose? Meet Derrick Kearney - Bold Journey Interview

  How did you find your purpose?  Meet Derrick Kearney - Bold Journey Interview Meet Derrick Kearney - Bold Journey Interview I actually delayed sharing this interview with everyone. Partly because I had just released another one published the same week and didn't want to overcrowd readers. Partly because I have noticed, through the process of doing these, how much I need some nice professional headshots for marketing and the press.  One thing also was that I wanted to give the past few weeks a chance to breathe.  November has never been my favorite month. A few ghosts from the past always find their way into haunting my days and nights, which seem to start much earlier than expected with the change in time. Add into this an election that didn't really leave me with a good taste in my mouth afterward. I found myself with all of this happening saying several times that I was ready to give up. What's the point in good if bad lives all around you, right?  Yeah, I n...

Canvas Rebel: Meet Derrick R Kearney

I sat down recently for an interview with Canvas Rebel Magazine. Check it out! Canvas Rebel: Meet Derrick R Kearney This year I turned 47. It's been notable for sure. I have remembered points of old, with decade anniversaries marking key events of my lifetime.  I've dealt with challenges, internally and externally. I have gained and lost loved ones. Hopefully, I have left an impact.  I do not know where my life will be during the next milestone year. Will I still be in this city? This state? This country? Will I work at the same job? Live with or without the same means of travel? How will my health be at that time? Will I even be here to ask? Or if so, in a condition to care?  Will there be anyone else around? I cannot answer those questions nor do I choose to worry about them. Nothing that has happened this year has been in the plan, yet at the same time, everything has been.  I can remember walking along the beach shortly after my birthday and being asked what I wa...

K. W. McCabe - Interview with Artist Derrick Kearney

 Check this out! K. W. McCabe - Interview with Artist Derrick Kearney It's been a weird few months in my life. I am still adjusting to the changes. Leaving the sunsets of Pinellas County and returning to the sunrises of Duval County. Getting up before the sun each day to work out at the gym. Commuting downtown to either an office or a work site. Showing credentials saying that I work for the state. Then returning to an apartment complex that I left 20 years ago to share dinner maybe with a neighborhood stray cat.  It's actually nice to have a quiet life these days.  I have needed something to take my mind off of having surgery to remove the osteoma from my right ear. It took a couple of months to get from figuring out that something was wrong to get things made right again. Just before going under the knife, I gave an interview online to K. W. McCabe, a very talented writer who I connected with online. Click around her site a bit after reading.

Voyage Jacksonville Interview - Rising Stars: Meet Derrick R Kearney

Check out my  Voyage Jacksonville Interview - Rising Stars: Meet Derrick R Kearney It's actually from back in April of this year. I've had a lot going on honestly. Since the last blog post, I have moved cities and started a new job. I have also been since this article's publication dealing with a health issue. I noticed a good amount of tinnitus in my right ear. I had it on my left side for a number of years. Mostly stress would be to blame for that fair enough along with just hearing a constant buzzing sound due to whatever internal and/or external factors. But this was way worse. I felt my ear clogged, and it was as if I had a large buildup of wax blocking sound from getting through. I've dealt with excessive earwax at different times and it is just going in to have a professional cleaning with the little metal thing at the doctor's office during a normal exam. Instead, when the doctor went to my right ear he noticed a growth was completely blocking the canal. He ...

This is personal

  This is personal 5:30 pm on Friday I'll be at a reception for emerging artists at the Carrollwood Cultural Center. I am honored to be included in this show.  A few things came to mind as I was driving away from the U-haul location, starting the adventure to deliver the pieces. The first one that came I've had this thought a few times on different things as the first words that often come to mind. And I don't want to get political when I say this, but sometimes it's so funny to do. So… My first thought was to quote the sitting president and say “This is a big fucking deal right here!” And I thought that thought instantly popped in like how big of a deal this is, a second thought instantly popped into my head to quote the last president and say that “It’s huge!” And then I got serious for a moment. Yeah, cuz you know, all that makes me laugh. But then I got serious for a moment and I remembered a line from the reel post that I recently made. At times I will get messages...

Videography for Arts Annual Beyond The Walls 2020 from Creative Pinellas

Projects from 2020 Arts Annual Beyond The Walls sponsored by Creative Pinellas. I served as principal director, videographer, and scriptwriter, and editor for these videos.  Innisbrook Belleview Birchwood Maybe one day I will get around to posting my director's cut of each.