How did you find your purpose? Meet Derrick Kearney - Bold Journey Interview


How did you find your purpose?  Meet Derrick Kearney - Bold Journey Interview

Meet Derrick Kearney - Bold Journey Interview

I actually delayed sharing this interview with everyone. Partly because I had just released another one published the same week and didn't want to overcrowd readers. Partly because I have noticed, through the process of doing these, how much I need some nice professional headshots for marketing and the press. 

One thing also was that I wanted to give the past few weeks a chance to breathe. 

November has never been my favorite month. A few ghosts from the past always find their way into haunting my days and nights, which seem to start much earlier than expected with the change in time. Add into this an election that didn't really leave me with a good taste in my mouth afterward. I found myself with all of this happening saying several times that I was ready to give up. What's the point in good if bad lives all around you, right? 

Yeah, I needed to give these weeks a chance to breathe. 

This interview gives a bit of my life story and my artistic process. It also talks about a subject that I never knew how important it would be for me. That magical two days in 2019 when the world seemed to tell me to go home and make art. They started with me sitting in a counselor's office expressing how I dreaded getting ready each day for work. They ended with an old friend giving the same response verbatim before putting back on his managerial hat.

 "You're suffering from burnout." 

I responded that I had just heard that yesterday. I don't remember much more of that conversation outside of saying that I would at least have time to paint. It's funny how for some of us, even being told to go home and rest includes us thinking of how we can next get to work. I say all of that this month after losing my bleeping expletive over the world around me, I decided to continue that journey inside my mind with a trained unpacker. While speaking with a now different councilor (because different city and years later and I keep finding people close to retirement age and whatever other reasons that I don't really need to explain) I heard some new words that at least for now ring inside.

"I get that. You feel disappointed by what they did."

I think the trick this time will be to not let the disappointment weigh me down, to not let the perceived abandonment of others turn into abandonment of myself. When we start to notice these things, it's good to take a moment and ask for help. 

It's also good to have some tools that you can use while out on your own, like breathing, sketching, and walking away. I'm happy to say that I have, at times, used all of these recently. It's good to break up that day a bit and just take on a smaller piece. 

Having these little breaks at times helps me to keep focused. But it was a big break that helped me to realize my purpose. It was in front of me the whole time and just needed a moment to breathe.

  Anyway, go give it a read. Also, go support your favorite local artists this holiday season and beyond.  Bring our creative works into your homes. Share our messages with those around you. Together we bring light into the dark corners of the world. 

Meet Derrick Kearney - Bold Journey Interview 



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