Voyage Jacksonville Interview - Rising Stars: Meet Derrick R Kearney

Check out my Voyage Jacksonville Interview - Rising Stars: Meet Derrick R Kearney

It's actually from back in April of this year. I've had a lot going on honestly. Since the last blog post, I have moved cities and started a new job. I have also been since this article's publication dealing with a health issue. I noticed a good amount of tinnitus in my right ear. I had it on my left side for a number of years. Mostly stress would be to blame for that fair enough along with just hearing a constant buzzing sound due to whatever internal and/or external factors. But this was way worse. I felt my ear clogged, and it was as if I had a large buildup of wax blocking sound from getting through. I've dealt with excessive earwax at different times and it is just going in to have a professional cleaning with the little metal thing at the doctor's office during a normal exam. Instead, when the doctor went to my right ear he noticed a growth was completely blocking the canal. He scheduled me for a scan and referred me to a different doctor. They decided that the growth was an Osteoma, which is a rare benign tumor that can grow within the ear canal.  

So that is why it's taken me this long to get around to posting this article here in the blog. I've been a bit off-balanced. You'll be happy to know that Oscar the Osteoma was removed in September. I named it that because not being able to hear properly was making me into a grouch. Anyway, now I can thankfully hear conversations and songs with both ears again. Cicadas (the name I give for tinnitus) sound normal and on the left instead of loudly muffled and on the right. No headaches or dizziness lately. 

But enough life update stuff... go read! 


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