Canvas Rebel: Meet Derrick R Kearney

I sat down recently for an interview with Canvas Rebel Magazine. Check it out!

Canvas Rebel: Meet Derrick R Kearney

This year I turned 47. It's been notable for sure. I have remembered points of old, with decade anniversaries marking key events of my lifetime.  I've dealt with challenges, internally and externally. I have gained and lost loved ones. Hopefully, I have left an impact. 

I do not know where my life will be during the next milestone year. Will I still be in this city? This state? This country? Will I work at the same job? Live with or without the same means of travel? How will my health be at that time? Will I even be here to ask? Or if so, in a condition to care?  Will there be anyone else around? I cannot answer those questions nor do I choose to worry about them. Nothing that has happened this year has been in the plan, yet at the same time, everything has been. 

I can remember walking along the beach shortly after my birthday and being asked what I wanted out of this year. My only answer was that I wanted peace. I still want this. It is peace in everything that is desired. Peace in all of my relationships. With God, with myself, with my loves, with even those who wouldn't wish the same peace towards me. Peace enough to sleep each night knowing that I have done the best possible for that day. 

I feel this peace many days. It is peace that brings me to your screens again for this interview. In it, I talk about the rewards I get in sharing my creative talents with the world around me. Go give it a read! 


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